Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stacey comes to my recorder class

Last night Natalie's Flat Stacey came with me to my recorder class. She has also spent time listening to me practice. In this picture you see the people who play bass recorder. I play tenor and alto.

Monday, May 17, 2010

University of California, Berkeley

Stacey and Grandma went to see the University of California, Berkeley. This is where Aunt Katie studied structural engineering and architecture. Maybe someday someone from Natalie's class will come here for college.

Grandpa came back from his trip to China and took Stacey to his workshop. She helped him make some toys for cousin Oliver. She was very careful of the power saw.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mount Tamalpais

While we were in Sausalito we went to see the houseboats that are on the Bay. The mountain behind Stacey is Mount Tamalpais. This is the mountain that is near where GiGi lived.

Natalie's Flat Stacey goes to Sausalito

Cousin Riley came to visit and we went to Sausalito, a little town on San Francisco Bay across from San Francisco. Here is Riley holding Flat Stacey with San Francisco in the background.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Our Redwood

There is a big redwood tree in our garden. Redwoods are the state tree of California. I think they are the biggest trees in the world. You can see that Stacey and Grandpa together cannot get their arms around the redwood tree in our garden. The redwoods in the forest are way bigger than the one in our garden.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More fun at Berkeley Adventure Playground

Flat Stacey and Natalie's Grandma climb the cargo net at Berkeley's Adventure Playground